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eCommerce Business Models

I was recently pleasantly surprised to receive an email inquiry about a paper I had written and presented at a conference in late 2000 called:
e-Commerce Business Models - Business Models that have Succeeded and Business Models that have Failed - International Case Studies
I realised that the paper was no longer available on the Internet, and so I have now republished it (just follow the link above).

There has been a lot of change in the intervening 11 years. Much of what is covered in the paper is now taken for granted. In addition, at the time of writing, the idea of Web 2.0 (or beyond) was not yet understood, and certainly social media was an unknown concept. However, there is still a lot in the analysis that is as true today as it was then.

I would love to hear any feedback from anyone who reads it now. Who knows, perhaps its time to revisit and update the subject?


Anonymous said...

I would say that the success of since the writing of this article has shown that those that control the relationships with the customers have indeed become the new most powerful, just like the land-owning class did in the Agrarian Age and the industrialists did in the Industrial Age.

Chris said...

I think you are right. The concern for a long time was about whether or not they would be able to turn that advantage to profit. Facebook has shown that the deeper your pockets, and the longer you can therefore wait for profitability, the larger the potential reward.