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The four principles of openness

In a recent TED talk, Don Tapscott talks about the four principles of openness which are sweeping across the world with tremendous consequences for institutions.

The first principle is collaboration. Essentially, the boundaries of institutions are becoming more porous.

We used to say that an organisation's people were its greatest asset. But now we say that we must look beyond the boundaries of the institution, to customers, suppliers and even more diverse communities, for the skills, capabilities and insights required to deliver innovation and performance. This has tremendous implications for security, confidentiality, etc.

As we move from social media to social production, organisations clinging to the old models and building higher walls around themselves (for example, banning social media) risk getting left behind.

The second principle is transparency. Now that almost everyone has powerful tools for finding, analyzing and publishing information, institutions are easily stripped naked. In naked institutions, values become more evident, and therefore more important, as stakeholders can easily look beyond what institutions say to what they actually do behind the scenes.

The third principle is sharing. This is the willingness to give up control. Institutions must do this not because they choose to but because they have no choice.

The music industry resisted sharing, and so customers found ways to share music without the established players. Whilst the incumbents struggled to find redress by suing their teenage target market, other companies gained control by finding new models of sharing. High-industries like pharmaceuticals are increasingly compelled to share research data and collaborate or risk their patent pipelines drying up.

The fourth principle is empowerment. If knowledge is power, then the sharing of knowledge brings the distribution of power. The arab spring is the most frequently cited example of this but I believe we will start to see this effect increasingly impact everyday life with customers taking an increasingly active and collective role in markets. We're starting to see products that capitalise on this, for example, building crowd-sourcing not just into the development process, but into the products themselves.

As we develop strategies for the future, we need to understand how these strategies will respond an thrive in this new environment. What do you think?

You can watch the original TED talk below:

Olympic own goal?

In my humble opinion the Olympics were a glorious success for London. Whether or not they actually made any money from event, I don't know, but the long term benefits in terms of tourism from show-casing London and British culture, combined with the motivational effect on people of all ages to get more active must be tremendous.

One potential negative side effect that I've discussed with a number of people, however, is the long-term effect of having asked so many Londoners to change their working habits during the Olympics in order to ease the burden on the transport system. Most people, of course, will already have gone back to their regular working patterns. However, there will always be a number of marginal cases, people who were already open to or even considering the idea of changing their working habits. Will this experience have tipped them over the edge? Will they never return?

Fortunately, a survey by Vodafone UK, has provided some indication of the answer to these questions. Apparently, 24% of people said they had changed their working patterns to work from home or an alternative location at least some of the time. And apparently nearly three quarters of them said they'd worked more productively as a result of the change, owing to fewer disruptions and less time spent commuting. Over half of respondents said they'd like to continue their flexible working arrangement. While 30% said their bosses already allowed this, another 23% said they thought their bosses would be more open to the idea as a result of the experience. That's a lot of percentages to mull over, but one must conclude that the Olympics will have caused a step change in working habits in and around London.

I'll leave it to you to decide for yourself, whether you think that is a good thing or not, but I can't help thinking that Boris must be wondering whether he scored an own goal this Olympics.

(Photo credit: iwillbehomesoon via photo pin cc)

Look after your existing customers first

I keep getting letters from BT telling me how wonderful their broadband service is and why I should consider signing up for it. They usually come with a generous discount for the first months.

I have two problems with this.
  1. I already have broadband from BT. So their marketing only serves to remind me of two things. Firstly that they are so disinterested in me as a client that they've forgotten I'm even there. And secondly, that I'd get a much better deal from them if I wasn't a client.
  2. I am currently seriously considering switching away from them. You see, my actual experience of their service is not as great as their marketing is trying to convince me it is.
Perhaps if BT invests more in improving the service they offer to existing customers, instead of spending all their money trying to attract new customers, I will consider staying.

photo credit: IronRodArt - Royce Bair (NightScapes on Thursdays) via photo pin cc