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The leading corporate users of Social Media have just published their report on the "State of Corporate Social Media 2011".

The suggest that the the 16 leading companies are:

= 1 Dell
= 1 Starbucks
  2 Ford
  3 Coca Cola
  4 Google
  5 Apple
  6 Best Buy
= 7 Comcast
= 7 General Motors
= 7 Intel
= 7 Kodak
= 7 Microsoft
= 7 Nike
= 7 P&G
= 7 PepsiCo
= 7 Southwest Airlines

Honourable mentions were also given to: Aflac Duck, Air Asia, Alcoa,, Autonation, Avaya, Betfair, BMI, Chase Jarvis, Cisco, Delta, Domino’s, EA, ESPN, Fiat, IBM, JetBlue, Kiki L’Italian, KLM, Monsanto, NPR, Porsche, Procter & Gamble, Red Bull, Skittles, Victoria’s Secret, Whole Foods,  Xerox, Zappos.

B2B business were note in the absence, although this is perhaps unsurprising as B2B business seldom get the mileage and publicity that B2C business do regardless of underlying merit.

UsefulSocialMedia also offer a whitepaper including case studies on Dell, Starbucks, Ford, Dell and PepsiCo.

They suggest whilst corporate social media has historically focused on marketing, the biggest growth area will be in customer service.

Coincidentally, I also spotted this rather good review of Southwest Airlines Social Media efforts from Blogging Innovation

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